A Human Experience
at work

We live in a world where...

your customers demand a positive experience at all touch points...

a world where your employee experience (EX)
drives your customer experience (CX)...

Customers expect a
positive experience
at every touchpoint.

Employee experience is a key driver of customer experience.

When employee experience is positive, customer experience improves.

For a better HX, we start with meetings because it's how work gets done.

Wellem Co. is a co-op of experts who work at the intersection of communications and technology.

We take a human-centered approach to communications. Optimizing existing channels, and implementing proven change management strategies to improve communications.

Join our network.

Immediate impact, with accelerating returns

1: We build trust
We join your team in an operational capacity.
2: We co-create
We share insights and co-create a future-focused communications strategy
3: We apply, activate, and integrate
Processes, procedures, and systems with an iterative approach
4: Measure constantly
We set and track success metrics, consistently review and constantly iterate.

People are the common denominator

Brand & Leadership

Brand & Leadership

This whitepaper draws upon the anthropological concept of culture to introduce a new model for brands.

Brand & Leadership

This whitepaper draws upon the anthropological concept of culture to introduce a new model for brands.

Brand & Culture